zondag, april 30, 2006

Collection (1)

Ondertussen een beetje overdreven en obsessieve collectie van divers kaneel-snoep. 'T is meer dan ik op kan en t smaakt eigenlijk helemaal niet naar kaneel maar meer naar die beruchte uit je bek brandende 'fireballs'. Waarschijnlijk is deze verzamelwoede bij mij ontstaan omdat er op de Nederlandse markt vrijwel geen kaneel-snoep wordt uitgebracht en ik 't dus meteen 'zeldzaam' acht (en ook lekker natuurlijk). Heb 't vooral meegenomen uit Aruba waar veel verschillende soorten snoep te vinden is. Naast Nederland importeerd Aruba ook snoep uit Amerika en Zuid-Amerika waar 'cinnamon-candy' letterlijk en figuurlijk hot is.
Slecht voor je tanden? Dus niet. Daar heb ik deze voor.
Look at my slightly obsessive collection of cinnamon-candies. It's more than I can eat and actually doesn't taste like cinnamon at all.
My cinnamon collection-drift probably started when I became aware of the fact that it was rare overhere as there isn't that much to find in our supermarkets. So every time when I visited Aruba I brought some (new) cinnamon candy with me. Aruba has a lot of different candy because they import from countries like the US and South-America where cinnamon-candies are as hot as can be. Bad for your teeth? Don't think so. This might help me a bit ;)

zaterdag, april 29, 2006

by Level 42

When I was an infant in my mothers arms
I would watch the starlight in her face
’cause I was reaching out to understand the cosmic charm
I am just a starchild born in space.
Way up high above the sky
All that beauty passes by
Whole worlds still unknown
And out beyond the blue
There’s a place for people too
It’s time for us to go.
I have seen the sun shine bright in paradise
I have been there, I have seen it

We have time (in my dreams)
Time and space
While we’re young (floating free)
We can chase to the stars.
Searching for the magic in the universe
Guided by the stars that light my way
I have seen the sun shine bright in paradise
I am just a starchild born in space

woensdag, april 26, 2006

'Anco so fresh and so clean'

maandag, april 24, 2006

Beasty Boys VS. Five Star...

Luister eens naar deze goed gelukte 'mashup' genaamd 'Rock My Galaxy', een mix van Five Star's 'Rock My World' en Beastie Boys' 'Intergalactic'. De link: The Calico Sequence
Listen to this fantastic mashup of Five Star's 'Rock My World' and Beastie Boys' 'Intergalactic' called 'Rock My Galaxy'. Like one of the comments says: Another ace mashup... it's like peanut butter and banana, it shouldn't work but it does. The Link: The Calico Sequence

zondag, april 23, 2006

It's Golden!

Heb deze dvd capture gemaakt van de meest geweldige scene uit seizoen 1 van The Golden Girls. Dorothy's verveelde en geirriteerde houding naar Blanche toe is gewoonweg briliant.
'Blanche: This is strictly off the record, but Dirk is nearly five years younger than I am. Dorothy: In what, Blanche, dog years?'
Have made this dvd capture of one of the greatest scenes of Golden Girls Season 1.Her bored and irritated act towards Blanche is simply brilliant.
'Blanche: This is strictly off the record, but Dirk is nearly five years younger than I am. Dorothy: In what, Blanche, dog years?'

Meer GG quotes:
Some more GG quotes:
Dorothy: You know, sometimes I can't believe my ears. Sophia: I know. I should've taped them back when you were seven.

Rose: Cooking, Dorothy? Dorothy: No, Rose, I'm developing pictures for the Magellan Space Program.

Dorothy: Good night, Rose! Go to sleep, honey! Pray for brains!

Dorothy to Sophia: Get back here, you deceitful little Sicilian gecko!

Rose: Can I ask a dumb question? Dorothy: Like no one else.

Dorothy: Hi, Blanche. Blanche: Eat dirt and die, trash!

Blanche: I treat my body like a temple. Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone. Day or night.

Dorothy: Ma, I don't snore! Sophia: Please, I had to turn you away from the window so you wouldn't inhale the drapes!

Dorothy: I have a date. Blanche: With a man? Dorothy: No, Blanche, with a venus fly trap!

Sophia [to Blanche]: Oh shut up, you human mattress!

The Links:
Bea Arthur in the limelight
Acces The Golden Girls
Spring! (13°C...)

Nog ff wat foto's van precies een maand geleden. De sneeuwklokken achtergelaten gingen we weer s voor 2 weken de echte warmte in. Heerlijk gezwommen op Eagle Beach en goed gesnorkeld in t Spaans Lagoen. Niks gemerkt van de Holloway affaire. Sterker nog, Aruba was compleet volgeboekt met idd ja, Amerikanen.
Some pics from last March. We've left the snowdrops behind to finally feel the real warmth.
It was again good swimming on Eagle Beach and we had a fantastic snorkel @ the Spaans Lagoen. Noticed nothing on the Natalie Holloway case though. On the contrary, Aruba was fully booked.
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